Putting the environment at the very centre


At Coptip, we place the environment at the heart of our production processes and development strategies. If you want to know more, fill out the contact form at the top of the page.


running through all aspects
of our corporate life.

We only print paper that has PEFC and FSC certifications… i.e. recycled or from certified renewable forests

We store the inks in modern tanks which automatically activate them during the printing process, thus preventing the risk of harmful spills.

Thanks to our photovoltaic system and regenerator, we self-produce about 20% of the energy we need. Our company fleet consists entirely of electric cars.

We draw water from authorised wells and only send it to the sewage system when it comes from the toilets and evaporative Towers.



We organize logistics for optimized management. The forklifts for the internal transports are electric, the emissions of the external shipments are compensated through the climate project of express shippers and couriers.

We are completing the process of becoming a “plastic free” company. To also avoid using plastic bottles and cups, we have installed a tap water purification system.


We subdivide all waste so that it can be recovered in the most suitable way: from packaging to the technical cloths for cleaning the rollers, to paper and inks after use in printing processes.

We constantly monitor consumption, emissions and waste, in order to comply with the limits imposed by the IPPC community legislation.


In terms of emissions, use of resources, etc., we comply with all the environmental management standards foreseen by our ISO 14001 certification.


Thanks to two latest generation ovens, we recover the ink solvents during the drying phase and use them to maintain adequate oven temperatures.


We guarantee the quality and continuity of our corporate culture thanks to specialised staff, all with long-term contracts.


We also optimise environmental conditions within the workplace: for example, all work spaces are temperature controlled in summer and winter, and all machinery is soundproofed.